Earth Angel
School of Healing.

Past Life Healing

Past Time

This is a technique which will allow you to access your past lives with the primary aim of healing illness, difficulties or generating understanding of certain behaviours you may currently have.

Regressing to past lives can provide considerable relief and benefit in the present time. Past life memories can lead to greater understanding and awareness of the self and our life purpose.

You don't have to suffer from anything to receive benefits from past life healing. You can remember and reintroduce skills from a past life to the present. In remembering past lives you become aware that your soul is immortal and eternal and that you never really die, nor do your loved ones.

Past Life Healing is incredibly powerful and effective.

Some of the benefits;

Peace, Love & Healing

Price - £50 per session (session usually 2 hours)

Andrea Nyland. Tele: 07740663875 ~ Email:

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